Electric locomotive 186 909 of the leasing company Akiem, rented out to SBB Cargo International. Model factory equipped with DCC sound ...
1975 Lei
1375 Lei
600.00 Lei
Electric locomotive 186 909-4 “Nightpiercer”, SBB/RAlpin
Electric locomotive 186 909 of the leasing company Akiem, rented out to SBB Cargo International. ■ Baptised with the name “Monte ...
1350 Lei
930 Lei
420.00 Lei
Electric locomotive 186 909-4 “Nightpiercer”, SBB/RAlpin
Freight wagon.
190 Lei
Sliding wall wagon, DB AG
Electric locomotive.
1790 Lei
Electric locomotive Re 484 018-7, Cisalpino
Electric locomotive 1293 069 of the Austrian Federal Railways. Model factory equipped with DCC sound decoder. ■ Additional front plate with ...
1650 Lei
Electric locomotive 1293 069-1, ÖBB
Electric locomotive 1293 069 of the Austrian Federal Railways. ■ Additional front plate with "Pflatsch" logo attached to the package ■ ...
1190 Lei
Electric locomotive 1293 069-1, ÖBB
Diesel locomotive V 300 005 of the Starkenberger Güterlogistik. Model factory equipped with DCC sound decoder. ■ Powerful, reliable model ...
1350 Lei
Diesel locomotive V 300 005, SBW
Steam locomotive 051 494 of the German Federal Railway. Model factory equipped with DCC sound decoder. Drive on two axles of the tender and ...
2450 Lei
Steam locomotive 051 494-3, DB
Start set. TT Scale. z21 start digital set: Diesel locomotive ER 20 of the Salzburger Eisenbahn Transport Logistik (SETG) with freight train. ...
1980 Lei
z21 start digital set: Diesel locomotive ER 20
Diesel locomotive 108 001 of the railway company of the German Democratic Republic (Deutsche Reichsbahn). Model factory equipped with ...
1350 Lei
Diesel locomotive 108 001-9, DR