Roman Diesel 6x4 refrigerated box semitrailer truck "Rotkäppchen Sekt" (Saxony-Anhalt/Freyburg).
On 26 September 1856, the two brothers Moritz and Julius Kloss founded the Kloss and Foerster wine shop together with their friend Carl Foerster. In August of the same year, they had already participated in the founding of the first Freyburg champagne factory company. The trademark ‘Rotkäppchen’ was applied for by Kloss & Foerster on 20 February 1895 and registered on 15 July 1895. Later, after the Second World War (from October 2, 1950), "VEB Rotkäppchen-Sektkellerei Freyburg" belonged to "VVB VENAG", "Industriewerke Nahrung und Genußmittel Sachsen-Anhalt", and since March 20, 1951 to "Hauptabteilung III Genußmittelindustrie of the Berlin State Secretariat", and was successively incorporated into and spun off from various VEBs (Publicly Owned Enterprises). This Roman Diesel articulated lorry, labelled ‘Rotkäppchen Sekt’ at the time, finally brought the sparkling wine to the dealers. The herpa model appears with many details in a limited edition.